Political relations Political relations are very good and friendly. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Nikola Selakovic paid an official visit to Morocco 05-06. May 2021. In addition to meeting with his host, Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Nasser Bourita, minister Selaković also met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco Saad Dine El Otmani, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco Habib El Malki and the Mayor of Rabat Mohamed Sadiki.
Economic relations Economic relations between the two countries mainly take place through trade, with a marked deficit on Serbian side. In 2019, trade amounted to 34.268.000 euros, of which Serbian exports were 11.006.000 euros, and imports 23.262.000.
Bilateral agreements Agreement on economic and technical cooperation. Effective date: 19 April 1962. Long-term trade agreement between the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco. Effective date: 10 August 1978. Agreement between the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports. Effective date: 5 December 2005.
Contact information Link of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Morocco: http://www.rabat.mfa.gov.rs. Contact the Embassy of Morocco in the Republic of Serbia: street Sanje Živanović 4, Belgrade, tel. 00 381 (0) 11 36 90 288 Contact in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Department of Africa and Middle East (DAME); tel. 00 381 (0) 11 30 68 254; e-mail ozabi@mfa.rs.

Official name
Form of government
Constitutional monarchy
Date of establishment of bilateral relations
1 March 1957