Ambassador Đurić visited the Serbian Cultural Garden in Cleveland

17. May 2021.
Continuing his working visit to Ohio, the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the United States, Marko Đurić, visited the Serbian Cultural Garden in Cleveland and had a series of meetings with representatives of our diaspora from Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Ambassador Đurić was presented with the Charter of the Mayor of Cleveland, Frank Jackson, in honor of the friendly relations between Serbia and Ohio.

In Cleveland, Ambassador Đurić visited the Serbian Cultural Garden – a kind of a memorial park to our greats, created with the efforts of the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia in Ohio, Alex Machaskee.

Among the busts in this garden are some of the biggest names in Serbian history, culture and science – Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, King Peter I, Stevan Mokranjac, Nadežda Petrović, Mileva Marić, Vuk Karadžić.

He was joined in the tour by Georgine Welo, the mayor of South Euclid, a city in Ohio with which Kraljevo is twinned, within the State Partnership Program between Serbia and Ohio.

During his stay in Cleveland, Ambassador Đurić also met with representatives of the Serbian People's Alliance from Pittsburgh, one of the oldest organizations of our community in the United States.

He talked with them about connecting the Serbian diaspora throughout the United States and their involvement in the activities of the Embassy in Washington in terms of marking the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States.