Serbia is recognized in the Western Hemisphere as a reliable and sincere friend

28. Jun 2024.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Marko Djuric participated in the 54th Organization of American States General Assembly in Paraguay, in which the Republic of Serbia has the status of a permanent observer.

Summarizing the results of the activities in Asuncion in the past three days, Djuric assessed that the Serbian delegation had a successful participation in this Summit and pointed out that he was the only European Minister who addressed the plenum of the Organization of American States.

Djuric said that this visit was a great opportunity for Serbia to profile itself as a country that strengthens economic, political and cultural ties with that part of the world. "Serbia uses every opportunity to strengthen relations with countries in this part of the world and we believe that this is our comparative advantage in relation to some other countries from our region", Djuric said.

Minister Djuric emphasized that Serbia is recognized not only as a growing economy, but also as a reliable and sincere friend of the countries of the Western Hemisphere.

"For many of these countries, Serbia is the gateway to the European continent. This creates many development opportunities for us," the Head of Serbian diplomacy said.

As the Summit was held at the time of the commemoration of the anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter, Djuric pointed out that one of his messages to the participants was that respect for international law is crucial today, and that Serbia is a country that is fighting for the preservation of political and economic stability and peace on all meridians.

"This was an opportunity to fight for our position when it comes to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, and in relation to Kosovo and Metohija, but also an opportunity to discuss the growing need for multilateralism in the world," the Head of Serbian diplomacy said.

Djuric stated that he had a series of meetings on the fringes of the Summit with ministers from Central and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as with representatives of North American countries, stressing that Serbia will continue to foster friendships worldwide.